Riding The Wave to the Future
TJ Eisenhart
“I believe everyone has a purpose, a dream, that they want to accomplish in their lives, I’ve found mine. My purpose is to spread happiness and love and peace. I realize how lucky I am. At the end of the day, I’m riding a bike, creating art, and even more, interacting with individuals that share their dreams, joys and lives with me, —it’s unreal that I get to do this for a living. We may have hard training days or stressful times, but we are so fortunate to do what we love on a daily basis. The crazy, spiritual meditations I get when I’m riding, painting, dreaming and learning …. that’s what I try to reach every day.”
With love

Never Stop
I am always striving to prosper. Always working hard, always giving my all. The best part of it is I enjoy it, I make it fun. Never stop pursuing your dream, but never ever stop having fun. 🦋

Free The Soul
Constantly pushing myself to be better to break through in all that I do. I am not just a cyclist, not just an artist, I’m a human being that wants to expand his mind and creativity! Free the soul, free the mind, free the body! 🦋

Band of Brothers
No one else controls us and can hold us back. Only you, your dreams and goal belong to you. Excuses will forever be one of man’s greatest weaknesses, don’t let it be yours.🦋
My Passion
There are days in our lives’ that change us dramatically. This is because you have built up, done the work, done the studying. When this day approaches us, it will be your test. If you exit the same you failed. If you left that day and had a new perspective or felt that change in you, then you passed. Its our choices that propel us forward. No one else controls us and can hold us back. Excuses will forever be one of man’s greatest weaknesses, don’t let it be yours. ~TJ